It May Not Be Vogue, But It's The Closest I'll Get To Being a Cover Girl...
Whilst studying Interior Architecture at university, I work part time at Waitrose and have been there nearly 5 years! Working in a food supermarket definitely influenced my interest in food, and using ingredients that usually I wouldn't have thought about using.
The story was put forward to the media team about my Instagram account and within 1 week I was being interviewed for the next article, and had a very cringe worthy photo session. I love having photographs taken with friends, however having a big camera in your face whilst you smile at your food was very embarrassing. However the hilarity of the situation made it genuinely fun!
The story covers my transformation from eating extremely badly after leaving school until my second year at university, and how through healthy eating I've learnt how to make nutritious meals. It also explains how I had (and still have) very basic culinary skills showing that anyone can do healthy eating!
When I first started trying to eat healthier foods, I wen't from one extreme to the other. I thought that cutting out all fats and trying to eat less would be better, however it had the opposite affect. I had cravings for anything with sugar around 4pm and felt hungry and unsatisfied with each meal. But after reading about foods and nutritional meals, I now feel I have a balance between healthy AND tasty. After all food is meant to be enjoyed!
The message that I wanted to get across was that healthy doesn't need to be hard, and anyone can give it a go, that's not to say that I don't still indulge in a bit of ice cream, or chocolate however with eating mostly homemade hearty meals, it means that indulgences are perfectly fine!